In the simplest form, this can be looked at as a matrix with one column containing the memory addresses and another column containing the source triplet ( file, line, and column). 简单来说,可以将它看作是一个矩阵,其中一列包含内存地址,另一列包含源triplet(文件、代码行和列)。
The Experimental Study of Extended Effect of V-notch in Matrix Controlled by Knotted Shape Memory Alloy Fiber 打结形状记忆合金纤维控制基体中V型缺口扩展的实验研究
The impact of symmetry of sparse matrix on the memory used in calculation is analyzed, and the selection of iterative initial value for magnetic field integral equation ( MFIE) is discussed. 分析了稀疏矩阵的对称性对内存使用的影响以及磁场积分方程对迭代初始值的选择。
From the design of epoxy resin system, two-stage rigidization epoxy resin matrix with thermal induced shape memory property was prepared. 本文制备了可二阶段固化的形状记忆环氧树脂基体,研究了形状记忆环氧树脂及其复合材料的形状记忆特性和力学性能。
Mechanic behaviors of the thermoviscoelastic matrix composites with shape memory fiber 形状记忆纤维热粘弹性基体复合材料的力学行为
The algorithm for attribute reduction based on discernibility matrix needs a lot of memory space, and many elements of discernibility matrix are not unnecessary for reduction. 针对分类模型在构造过程中存在冗余属性的特点,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的分类预处理技术,利用其理论的属性约简与分辨矩阵得到属性的约简集。
For a SVC with n samples, n variables are available, and a n × n scale matrix is needed to be stored in EMS memory once at a time. 对于n个样本的SVC所对应的优化问题含有n个变元,则需要存储一个n×n的矩阵。
An efficient way to compute projection coefficient matrix together with memory optimization is presented in this paper. 提出一种可以在联合代数重建方法中快速计算投影系数矩阵并优化内存的方法。
Based on Hopfield model, a weight-connection neural network model is introduced. The optoelectronic demonstration of the model is implemented by adding a connecting weight matrix in front of the Hopfield content-addressable memory matrix. 在Hopfield模型基础上,对具有权重连接的Hopfield模型引入连接权重矩阵,这样只要在Hopfield内容寻址记忆光电阵列前多加一个连接权重矩阵阵列,则得具有权重连接的神经网络模型的光电实现。
In this paper, by using Rosen projection matrix, a new descent three-term memory gradient projection method for nonlinear programming with linear or nonlinear inequality constraints is presented. 利用Rosen投影矩阵,建立求解带线性或非线性不等式约束优化问题的三项记忆梯度Rosen投影下降算法,并证明了算法的收敛性。
Conflict Free Access for n × n Matrix in n Banks Memory 一种n×n矩阵在n个存储体中的无冲突访问存储方案
A Self Learning Mechanism for Fuzzy Relation Matrix Based on Association Memory Model 基于联想记忆模型的模糊关系矩阵自学习机制
The Resistance against the Aging for the Matrix Phase in Cu-Al-Mn-Ti Shape Memory Alloys Cu-Al-Mn-Ti形状记忆合金抗母相时效的研究
During the development dynamic analysis algorithms of the staring and stopping process control based on power slotting control and a new starting control project are brought forward, solving the dynamic equation adopts the unlimited steady Wilson 9 method, and the matrix element adopts one dimension memory technique. 在开发过程中提出了基于功率跟踪控制的控制启动、停机过程的计算方法和新的启动控制方案;动力学方程的求解采用了具有无条件稳定的Wilsonθ法,对矩阵元素采用一维存储技术;
This text regards adjacent matrix as the memory structure of graph, and points out how to realize Kruskal algorithm in the computer, and analyses its complexity. 本文以邻接矩阵作为图的存储结构,指出如何在计算机上实现克鲁斯卡尔算法,并分析所设计算法的时间复杂度。
Further discussion on weight matrix of gradual memory erase and recursion 渐消记忆递推回归权矩阵的进一步探讨
In this paper, a big capacity SDRAM matrix and dual-DSPs hardware are studied based on the mass data memory and processing in real time for the weak singal intercept and analysis. 用大容量动态存储器以及双DSP硬件处理系统实现了大量数据缓存和实时信号处理,从而完成了对微弱信号截获的分析。
Calculation of line feature's covariance matrix realizes discretization, so decreases the memory and compute burden. 线段特征协方差矩阵的计算实现了离散化,大大减少了对存储空间和计算量的要求。
Display method of point matrix liquid crystal display device for digital memory oscilloscope 点阵液晶显示器用于数字记忆示波器的显示方法
Research of Parallel Matrix Transposition Algorithms in Distributed Memory Computing 分布式存储环境下矩阵转置并行算法研究
Matrix multiple Cannon parallel algorithm is based on the distributed memory and multiprocessors model. This paper analyses its implementation on the cluster of workstations. 矩阵相乘Cannon并行算法是一个基于分布式存储多处理机模型的并行数值算法,文章研究了它在工作站机群上的实现。
Parallel computation of matrix on distributed memory systems 分布式系统矩阵并行计算
Moreover, Combining row-column partitioning and the voting matrix, the row-column modularity associative memory model based on the voting matrix has been put forward. In this paper its treatment process has been described in details. 另外,将行列模块化的方法和投票矩阵相结合,提出了基于投票矩阵的行列模块化联想记忆模型,描述了其处理过程。
Rewrote the code of the "calculate and save different matrix" to reduce the occupied memory of the preservation of the different matrix. 重写了计算并保存相异度矩阵的代码,主要是为了降低保存相异度矩阵所占用的内存空间。
In programming, we only stored the non-zero elements of the finite element matrix for saving the calculation memory. 在程序编制过程中,只存储有限元系数矩阵的非零元素,大大节省了存储空间。
The iterative method which can take full advantage of the sparse matrix, thereby saving memory cell, so it is a more practical way to solve large sparse linear algebraic equations. 由于迭代法能够充分利用矩阵的稀疏性,从而节省存储单元,因而它是解大型稀疏线性代数方程组的比较实用的方法之一。
Therefore, provided the dense coefficient matrix possesses a high degree of wavelet compressibility, the compact compression algorithm will remain efficient even if the coefficient matrix becomes too large to be accommodated in the memory. 这样,即使当系数矩阵的规模超出内存以及虚拟内存若干倍时,紧压缩算法仍然可以高效地运转,只要稠密系数矩阵具有足够的小波可压缩性。
Many matrix operations, such as large-scale matrix multiplication and the solution of eigenvalues of the matrix, require a large memory and a time-consuming process, so a single processor cannot stand anymore. 由于矩阵的运算,特别是大规模矩阵相乘,矩阵的特征值求解等需要大量内存并且耗时的处理过程,单处理机已经无法承受,因此有效地实现大型的矩阵并行算法在实际应用中是非常重要的。
What is more, since there are lots of repeat and unnecessary elements in the discernibility matrix, which not only cost a mass of memory space, but also waste plenty of computer time in feature reduction. 并且,由于差别矩阵中存在大量的重复的和无用的差别元素,而这些重复的和无用的差别元素既占用存储空间,又在计算属性约简时浪费时间。